As the poker tournament continues, more and more players are eliminated until only one remains: the tournament winner. What is the disconnection and cancellation policy for tournaments? Click on the link below to see thedisconnection and cancellation policy for tournaments. Multi-table tournaments challenge your poker skills and give you the chance to win big prizes for a small outlay. Every multi-table tournament on partypoker has a buy-in as well as an entry fee. The buy-in is added to the prize pool, while the entry fee is kept by partypoker. Download our software now to check out our fantastic variety of Limit, Pot-Limit, and No-Limit tournaments (including Play for Fun Tournaments).

At partypoker, security is of the utmost importance. Nobody else in the industry spends more time or dedicates more resources to protect the security of your account, your transactions, and the games and tournaments you play. Our partypoker security team uses sophisticated software and monitoring techniques to ensure that proper security is maintained at all times.

Transaction Security

The highest levels of encryption protect all online transactions at partypoker. The partypoker Online Payment center uses 128-bit encryption technology and Secure Socket Links (SSL) to ensure the security of all transactions, and to ensure that all data remains confidential. Financial transactions are conducted in complete accordance with applicable laws and the standards of the international banking community.

Account Security

  • Each account may only be accessed via a unique username and password. Every player must do his best to protect his username and password, although if a password is lost or forgotten a new one may be obtained.
  • Players at partypoker are only allowed to have one account. To open an account they must provide a complete and correct legal name, address and valid means of contact. Our security team randomly verifies identities, and providing false information can be grounds for account closure.
  • partypoker offers its players the highest level of support in the industry. Phone us for an instant response to any security issues.

Game Security:

  • Before each hand is dealt, the most sophisticated random number generator in the online gaming industry shuffles the cards.
  • All game information is transmitted between the servers and players' computers via 128-bit encryption and a secure socket link (SSL).
  • It is impossible for any player to use technology to see another player's cards.
  • The security team monitors and reviews hand histories and data to prevent collusion among players.

If You have any questions, please contact Our 24/7 Customer Care Team.

partypoker LIVE Zero-Tolerance Policy


partypoker LIVE is moderated 24/7 and has a zero-tolerance policy on the following matters. Anyone found to be breaching this policy will be banned immediately with no option of appeal. Breaches of this policy may also result in bans from partypoker online software, partypoker LIVE events and partner venues.

  1. Underage: If found to be under 18 or under the legal gambling age in your jurisdiction then you will be banned from the forum.
  2. Religious or National hatred: Any posts that are deemed to negatively portray religions or promote national hatred, whether clear, subtle or shared via links through third party sites will result in a permanent ban.
  3. Posting Piracy Information, hacks or viruses that could breach terms of service: Posting links to any illegal material will result in an immediate ban.
  4. Impersonating Employees or the partypoker LIVE/partypoker Brand: Anyone found to be impersonating the brand; the brand ambassadors or staff will result in a permanent ban.
  5. Pornography and illicit material: Posting directly or third-party links to any material will result in a ban. The naming of such sites and links is also not permitted.
  6. partypoker LIVE reserves the right to disqualify or ban any person from one or all of the events if the person acts in a threatening and / or abusive manner to other players or to any member of staff or the public, this includes but is not limited to threats / statements made on social media, via telephone, email or face to face

The partypoker LIVE moderation teams are trained to deal with any incident that may occur. They have the full powers to make judgment calls and take appropriate action if the following Code of Behaviour is breached.

  1. Foul language: Any swearing or offensive language may be censored and members posting such material may be subject to warning and temporary bans.
  2. Harassment: We want all users to have the best experience by using the partypoker LIVE forum. Any harassment or offensive language directed at other members or staff will be acted upon swiftly.
  3. Advertising: Please only post third party adverts and links in the specified permitted places. Any deemed to be regularly posted in the wrong place will result in action being taken against the poster.
  4. Signatures and avatars: Please ensure all signatures and avatars, whether text or images, are deemed suitable for use. These are reviewed regularly. If deemed inappropriate a moderator may ask for it to be changed.
  5. Spamming: Please refrain from posting the same message multiple times, posting gibberish or continually promoting unsolicited links.
  6. Copyrighted Material: Please ensure you have permission from the relevant parties before posting any third party copyrighted material.
  7. Naming and Shaming partypoker LIVE and/or partypoker is not permitted
  8. Posting Personal Information: We have a strict Privacy Policy, please refrain from posting any public information about any members or staff that is not displayed on their forum profile. Likewise, we will moderate and remove any personal information you post about yourself that we deem unnecessary.
  9. Bans: partypoker LIVE reserves the right to remove any user from the forum without warning if they have breached our terms of services.
  10. Bans & Warnings: Under no circumstances is it appropriate to discuss the ban and warning process whether about yourself or others. Failure to adhere to the above guidelines and rules may result in warnings, access restrictions, temporary and permanent bans.
PolicyParty poker disconnection and cancellation policy act

Party Poker Disconnection And Cancellation Policy Online

partypoker LIVE General Terms & Conditions


  1. Floor people - They are to consider the best interest of the game and fairness as the top priority in the decision-making process. Unusual Circumstances can on occasions dictate that decisions in the interest of fairness take priority over the technical rules. The floor's decision is final.
  2. Official Language - The English-only rule must be adhered to at the table. This includes to outside influences. Should a player wish to talk in a foreign language they must leave the table.
  3. The Chip Race - When it is time to colour up chips, they will be raced off with a maximum 1 chip going to any player. A player cannot be eliminated from a tournament in a chip race. We encourage players to witness the chip race.
  4. Odd Chips - The odd chips will go to the high hand. In flop games when there are two or more high hands or 2 or more low hands, the odd chips will be awarded to the player left of the button during showdown. Each side pot will be split one at a time and before any boards will be completed, thus reducing risk of error.
  5. Calling for a clock - Should a player have had sufficient time, any player at the table can call a clock. The dealer will call the floor and if both the dealer and the floor person agree that it is fair to put the player on the clock, then the player will have 60 seconds plus an additional 10 second countdown to make an action, should the player not act in this time, their hand will be declared dead.
  6. Dead Button - Tournaments and Cash games operate using a dead button.
  7. Penalties and Disqualification - Should a player act against the rules or the order of play, the floor person will penalise the offender with either a warning, a 1 round penalty, a 2 round penalty or even more. Should a player be a repeat offender, they will be subject to more severe penalties and possibly to the grounds of Disqualification. -If a player is on a penalty, they must remain outside of the tournament area until they are told that they can return. Throughout the penalty the play will blind away as normal. A player who is disqualified will have their chips removed from the tournament. All penalties will be dealt with once the hand has reached conclusion.
  8. At your seat - to have a live hand a player must be at their seat when the first card leaves the deck. If they are not at their seat the hand will be deemed dead. Dealers are instructed to muck hands once all hole cards have been distributed. At your seat is defined as in reach of the chair, however the floor will have last say on the matter, and even if within reach of the seat your hand could be deemed dead if there is any risk of the player seeing other player's cards.
  9. All-in Showdown - In an all-in situation, all players that reach showdown must show their hands.
  10. Raise Requirements - If a player puts in a raise of 50% or more of the previous bet/raise, but less than a minimum raise, the player will have to make the raise up to a minimum raise. In no limit and pot limit, a raise all-in that doesn't meet the required minimum raise will not re-open the betting to the previous aggressor.
  11. Oversized Chip - An oversized chip will be considered a call if the player does not announce otherwise. If a player puts an oversized chip into the pot whilst stating only raise, the raise will be for the full value of the chip that entered the pot. Any verbal declarations must occur before the chip lands over the betting line.
  12. No Disclosure No Advice. One player to a hand - Players cannot expose their hand. Although it isn't binding, they can declare a hand whilst in play. Players cannot discuss other player's hands unless the hand is heads up and their own hand is still live. During hands, no players can seek help from any source whether involved or not involved directly in the game. One player to a hand rule is in play, and should there be any outside influence, the hand will be declared dead with the player subject to penalty, with any outside influence also ejected.
  13. Speech Play - This is permitted, during hands only players holding cards can discuss anything related to the game. Multiway speech play is allowed; however, players cannot discuss other players hands unless heads-up. Speech play must not contravene the Code of Conduct.
  14. Random Seats - Tournament and Satellite seats will be randomly assigned. We do however have a family and friend’s rule, whereby we try to keep these separate to avoid chances of collusion.
  15. Communication Devices - A player may not use a mobile phone whilst actively involved in a hand. Should a player still be on the phone when the final card is dealt to the button, their hand will be deemed dead. Whilst active in the hand, the player must not touch their phone. Kindles/iPads are allowed at the table, though they are not allowed on the poker table cloth surface. Again, these should not be used whilst a player is active in a hand. Players on the TV table are not permitted to use their mobile devices whilst at the table including phones, tablets and laptops, and any such infringement will reduce in penalties. We cannot however prevent any players from receiving information from friends watching the stream elsewhere.
  16. Deck Changes - Deck changes will be determined by the house.
  17. New Limits - When time has elapsed the blinds will be raised, these will be announced by the Tournament Director. The blinds will go up in the first hand of the new level (with the start of the new hand being the first riffle).
  18. Reloads/Rebuys - Should a player want a Reload/Rebuy, they must make the dealer aware, this way they will be dealt into the following hand with a known stack including the rebuy. Upon request the player is obligated to pay for the reloads/rebuy.
  19. Higher Denomination Chips - These chips must be clearly visible at all times.
  20. Rabbit Hunting - No rabbit hunting is allowed.
  21. Breaking tables - All players will receive a table and seat number upon the breaking of a table. All players must go straight to their new seat. Not doing so will be punished with a penalty. On arrival at a new table, players can fill any position at the table, though they will miss the first hand should they be positioned between the Button and the Small Blind.
  22. Chips - When moving table's chips must remain visible whether in trays or hand. Chips must not be put in pockets or carried by anybody other than the play or a member of staff assigned by the Tournament Director. During Breaks all chips must remain at the table. Failure to abide by these rules could lead to penalty or even disqualification.
  23. Balancing tables - In Flop Games when balancing tables, players from the big blind will be moved to the open position that will pay the big blind first. Play will be paused should a table be 3 players short of the standard at any given time.
  24. Raises - There is no cap on the number of raises in no-limit games. A minimum raise must be the previous raise interval + total of last bet. In Limit events there will be a limit to the number of raises until heads up. Even when heads up the house limit will apply.
  25. Misdeals - In Flop Games the following constitute a misdeal:
    • One of the first two cards dealt being exposed.
    • Two cards being exposed in all.
    • A boxed card appear in the original deal.
    • A card flying of off the table.
    • A player not receiving the required number of cards. Players can be dealt two consecutive cards on the button. In stud games if any of the players two down cards are exposed it is instantly a misdeal.
    • Failure to shuffle or cut the deck - No matter how much action has taken place, if it turns out that either of these have taken place the hand will be void.
  26. Unprotected Hands - If a dealer kills an unprotected hand, the players hand will be dead and they will lose any chips that are invested in the pot. However, should a player have an uncalled raise in the pot, they will lose the previous calling amount.
  27. Card Speak - Dealers cannot kill a winning hand that has been tabled and was clearly the winning hand. Players are encouraged to assist in reading tabled hands and point out any errors about to be made.
  28. Verbal Declarations - These are binding. Verbal action out of turn will be treated like a completed action. Should the action not change your action will stand, should the player change the action (raise) you get all chips back with all options.
  29. Exposing cards - A player who exposes cards with action pending may incur penalty. The players hand will NOT be dead and the hand will play out as normal.
  30. Methods of raising - in no limit and pot limit a raise must be made either:
    • Verbal declaration
    • Placing the full amount across the betting line in one motion
    • Announcing raise, placing the call amount across the line, followed by the additional raise amount.
  31. Ethical play - Poker is an individual Game. Soft play will result in penalties or possibly straight disqualification.
  32. Pot size - Only in pot limit games can players ask the dealer how much is in the pot.
  33. Button in heads-up - The button will always be the small blind when heads-up. A player cannot be the Big Blind both in the final hand of 3 handed and the 1st hand of heads-up.
  34. Etiquette violations - this will result in warnings and escalating penalties when repeat offending. These include:
    • Leaving out of turn
    • Touching another player's cards or chips
    • Delaying the game
    • Excessive chatter
  35. Order of Showdown - should aggressive action take place on the river, the last aggressor must show his hand first. Should the action be checked around on the river, order of showdown will move around left of the button.
  36. Last Man Standing Rule - The last live hand wins the pot without having to show any cards. Example A heads-up pot, Player A bets the river, Player B calls, A mucks. In this instance B wins as the last live hand and does not have to give up any information by showing his hand. Had player A shown then mucked Player B would had to show to claim the pot.
  37. Action Pending - Players must remain at the table if they still have action pending on a hand.
  38. String raises - Dealers will be responsible for calling string raises. Any objections, the floor will have the final say.
  39. Playing the Board - Players must still show both cards if they are playing the board and want to claim part of the pot.

Competition Policies

Party Poker Disconnection And Cancellation Policy Act

  1. All multi-table tournaments will have a maximum of 10 players per table.
  2. Deals must be done based on ICM where at least 10% of the remaining prizepool is left for 1st place to play for, this will ensure that fair deals take place. All negotiations must be supervised by the tournament Director who will step in should he think that a deal is unfair.
  3. All competitions must be played to a conclusion. Prizes will then be awarded accordingly.
  4. If two or more players at the same table are eliminated on the same hand, then they will be eliminated based on chip count at the start of the hand. If two or more players are eliminated at the same time on different tables, then the players will split the prize money equally.
  5. The house reserves the right to alter the blind/ante structure.
  6. Unless indicated otherwise on the tournament schedule, partypoker Live tournaments and Live satellites operate a Button Ante policy. This speeds up the game and makes the game smoother. The player in the button posts the Ante for the whole table. The size of the Ante is as follows:
    • 9-Handed Tournament 7-9 Handed, Button Ante = 1 x Big Blind. 3-6 Handed, Button Ante = 1 x Small Blind.
    • 8-Handed Tournament 6-8 Handed, Button Ante = 1 x Big Blind. 3-5 Handed, Button Ante = 1 x Small Blind.
    • 6-Handed Tournament The Button Ante is always the size of the Small Blind.
    There is no Ante when play is Heads Up, nor when the Button is dead (after a hand where the Small Blind player has been eliminated)
  7. We advise that all players read the Code of Conduct as a guide to help players know what is and is not acceptable behaviour.
  8. Maximum Cash Payout for any tournament is $10,000. Any additional prize money will be paid by Cheque, Bank Transfer, and online Account or held on deposit.
  9. Players who qualify online will be paid out into their online poker account.
  10. String bets- String betting is using your chips to gauge a reaction. Chips should be placed in one motion. However, to make bets even clearer for all, verbal declaration can lessen risk of error.
  11. Additional Rules may be posted to cover special circumstances.
  12. Unless stated otherwise on the tournament event webpage or in the venue, all partypoker Live tournament prize pools are subject to 3% deduction to cover staff costs.
  13. We reserve the right to exclude any player who is dressed inappropriately, including but not limited offensive wording on clothing, wearing the branding of porn sites, anything which can be considered to be discriminatory or inciting racial, gender, or religious hatred. Clothing that we consider to be too revealing will also result in exclusion. Once excluded players are permitted to change into appropriate clothing and re-join the tournament. Our decision is final in this matter.
  14. Speech Play. This is permitted, during hands only players holding cards can discuss anything related to the game. Multiway speech play is allowed however players cannot discuss other players hands unless heads-up.

Competition Procedures

  1. The Button will start in seat one for all tournaments.
  2. When removing smaller denomination chips from play, players will race for any odd chip remaining. Each player in the race will receive one card per odd chip that they have. Each player will receive their card(s) consecutively with the dealer starting with seat 1 and progressing around clockwise. Bridge order will apply where necessary (Spades, hearts, diamond then clubs).
  3. It is the player's responsibility to immediately inform the cardroom personnel if they have returned from a break to an incorrect stack. This is also the case at the start of the tournament.
  4. At the start of all tournaments and during breaks all decks will be spread for all players to see and to verify that all cards are present.
  5. Sufficient Action- either three folds, or two actions with at least one entering chips into the pot. This will be relevant in situations regarding actions out of turn and misdeals. This can also apply regarding missed action and exposed cards for further streets, if the floor feel that the player had plenty of time to make the dealer aware of the situation, his action could be void, therefore if facing a bet their hand would be dead, if facing no aggressive action, the player would have to check. This would mainly apply to early exposed flops.
  6. If a dealer exposes a card on the initial deal, it will be replaced by the first burn card. The exposed card will be highlighted to all.
  7. If a player has not been given a chance to make action but the community cards get exposed, the following will happen: - Pre-flop action- the dealer will keep any cards that are face up there and complete the board face down, any exposed cards will be reshuffled and be dealt out once action has been completed. - Flop action- the dealer will burn and place the actual river card face down, then once the required action has been completed the dealer will reshuffle the exposed card into the deck and provide the new turn card. - Turn action- with only the river card remaining, action will be completed, and the exposed river will be reshuffled into the deck and a new river card will be dealt out.
  8. In addition to overnight redraws in multi-day events, a redraw will also take place when the tournament reaches the last two tables, and the final table.
  9. In multi-day events, when the final level of the day has 15 minutes remaining the tournament clock will be paused, and a draw will be done to determine the number of hands left to play (which will be randomly chosen between 3, 4, 5 or 6).
  10. Limited reload Tournaments (if available) - All players will be issued with the appropriate number of reload chips. If they have not been used by the end of the reload period they will be removed. Reloads can be used no matter how big a player's stack is.
  11. Unlimited Rebuy Tournaments (if available)- During the rebuy period, all players are eligible for a single or double rebuy so long as they have starting stack or less. Should a player have a stack size between start stack and double the start stack, they are eligible for a single rebuy. At the end of the rebuy period, all players no matter what their stack will be eligible for a rebuy and an Add-on.
Party Poker Disconnection And Cancellation Policy

Party Poker Disconnection And Cancellation Policy 2019

Registration and Cancellation Policy

Party Poker Disconnection And Cancellation Policy Rules

  1. All tournaments and live satellites need a minimum of 10 players registered to start. Where the Guarantee on a live satellite is greater than 8 seats, the minimum number of players required to start is 'Guaranteed Seats + 2', e.g. If a live satellite guarantees 10 seats, it will require 12 players to start.
  2. Entry to the must be made in the partypoker lobby or via the cash desk at the event, certain tournaments are restricted to players who enter via the partypoker lobby, specific terms are available on the event page for the tournament.
  3. All tournaments will be subject to a registration fee.
  4. Alternates will be allowed. As players drop out of the competition they will be offered the seat.
  5. Late Registration will be allowed into the tournament for the levels advertised.
  6. Late registrants and alternates will be allocated the full starting stack with NO deductions for blinds missed.
  7. Provided a player registers before the end of the late registration period, s/he will be able to play in the tournament. In this case, players will be allowed to withdraw if they feel their stack is not enough Big Blinds for the level they are eventually entered in. This decision must be made BEFORE sitting down at the table.
  8. If there are no spare seats at currently open tables, then new tables will be opened to accommodate late players, up to the allowable cap. This is done at the Supervisor's discretion.
  9. There may be a stated re-buy period dependent upon the competition type. The number of re-buys may also be restricted for certain competitions. All re-buy details will be posted on the relevant Card Room literature. An allocated time will be given in which re-buys are permitted. The last 3 hands for re-buys will commence after the allocated period has elapsed.
  10. During Re-Entry tournaments players that get knocked out and re-enter will not be penalised with a chip penalty.
  11. Unless stated otherwise in the tournament schedule, all partypoker Live tournaments are 1 x re-entry per Day 1, therefore players can have a maximum of 2 entries in total per Day 1. Where Day 2 buy in is available a total of 2 x re-entries will be permitted into Day 2.
  12. Players are permitted to use chips stacks earned in Day 1s to re-enter Day 2s, if a player has more than 1 chip stack earned in a Day 1, they can use their second+ chip stack to re-enter Day 2 if needed. All unused Day 1 and Phase 1 chip stacks will be removed from players, with no financial recourse.
  13. In the event of the Online Day 1 / Online Day 1+2 not reaching completion on the scheduled date, the tournament will be re-scheduled on a future date, continuing from the level it reached and players will restart with the same chips as previously acquired.
  14. In the event of the Online Day 1 / Online Day 1+2 not reaching completion on the scheduled date, and the tournament data being inaccessible including chip stacks. A new Online Day 1 / Online Day 1+2 will be scheduled and all effected players will receive a ticket to the new Online Day 1 / Online Day 1+2. The additional funds collected will be added to the tournament prize pool.
  15. In the unlikely event that the satellites experience technical issues and are unable to reach completion will follow the procedures below:
    1. Satellites with guaranteed seats will be re-scheduled for another date.
    2. Phased QTR Finals or Semi Finals will be cancelled and paid out as per the partypoker cancellation policy.
    3. Feeders will be cancelled and paid out as per the partypoker cancellation policy.
  16. In the event that a Live Day 1 can not continue as planned, the tournament clock will be paused and play will resume at the next available opportunity.
  17. All our results will be published on websites. All events may be filmed for future TV and/or live streaming productions, by participating in any partypoker Live event you also agree that we can use your name, photo or video footage in any way we see fit.
  18. Once payment has been received, that player is deemed to be in the competition.
  19. If a registered player is going to be late, or not available to play, and would like to be removed from the competition, they must notify the club before the start of the clock to receive a full refund.
  20. Players who have not notified the organisers that they wish to be removed from the competition prior to the start of the clock, will be included. These players will receive cards and post blinds accordingly. They will not be entitled to a refund.
  21. Seats won in live satellites are subject to the local rules published in the venue with regard to seat transfers.
  22. Seats won in online satellites; Players are not permitted to transfer or sell their first seat won, it must be used for the target tournament. If the player wins multiple seats, after the first seat, any unused seats will be transferred into PP LIVE Dollars at the end of the event.


  1. By taking part in a partypoker Live Tournament, you also agree to these Specific Promotional Terms and Conditions, our Standard Promotional Terms and Conditions. Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions and Rules outlined on this page or linked to from this page may result in penalties and / or sanction including disqualification from the tournament with no financial recourse.
  2. In quarter-final/semi-final satellites, held on partypoker, where you carry your stack through to the next round, only your largest stack will qualify, and any other stack will be automatically forfeited.
  3. Any packages won in online or live satellites are subject to change in the unlikely event of a hotel or travel company being unable to provide rooms or services as requested. We will always make best endeavours to find alternative accommodation or travel at the same or higher standard. If we are unable to find such alternatives, players will be provided with the cash equivalent to make their own bookings.
  4. All schedule dates, events, payouts and structures are subject to change at any time at our complete discretion.
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